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*** DATE CHANGE ***Make your reservation to watch the game inside & outside on over 40 flat screens and a giant projector!  We will have a game day menu and drink specials.  Purchase a table and join in the fun at our Outside Tailgate Party!! Purchase a table for 2 for $20, a table for 4 for $30, or a table for 10 for $70.  Live sound & a giant 13′ by 7′ HD TV wall with stadium sound and full tailgate atmosphere.  Purchase your table below or call 480-488-1906 for more information!  If you have already purchased your table it will move to Monday.  Call with any questions or email [email protected]

There are seats still available!!  Just head to Harold’s and purchase your table at the door!!!


Wild Card Playoff Game at Harold's Corral in Cave Creek Steelers vs Bills



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